Missouri Korean War Veterans Memorial

The Missouri Korean War Veterans Memorial located in Kansas City, Missouri is the official Korean War veterans memorial for the state of Missouri.
• 900+ Missouri Military Lives Lost
• 37,000 American Lives Lost
• 103,000 Americans Wounded
• 1.5 Million Americans Served

The Korean War

In June of 1950, the United States rushed to the aid of the Republic of South Korea after they came under the attack of communist North Korea. Many thousands of American men and women were called to active duty to assist the effort — barely five years after the conclusion of World War II.

Although in the beginning it was called a “police action”, the war would eventually call over 1,500,000 Americans to serve during the conflict. Before an armistice was signed in July 1953, the lives of nearly 37,000 Americans, 3,100 United Nations soldiers and 47,000 Republic of South Korean soldiers were lost, and over one million South Korean civilians were killed.

Frozen Chosin Challenge 2024

Honor Veterans! Join the inaugural Frozen Chosin Challenge
The Frozen Chosin Challenge consists of three separate events. The Chosin Challenge, the Devil Dog Challenge and the Warrior Challenge. Each event has its own challenges and rigors, choose the one that’s right for you!

The Chosin Challenge is a rigorous 3-day, 2-night, 40-mile winter trek, crossing two rivers with a mandatory 2-night bivouac and follows the Ozark Trail along the Goggin, St. Francis and Taum Sauk Mountains within Missouri State Parks. The Devil Dog Challenge is a 17-mile winter trek with 2 river crossings and a single winter night bivouac. Or choose the 3.6-mile all-accessible Warrior Challenge which follows the hard surface Black River Trail along the Black River and Johnson Shut-Ins. The Frozen Chosin Challenge honors those Service members who fought a 78-mile withdrawal out of the Chosin Reservoir—a death trap for allies who’d fought for 17 days in December 1950 before the breakout from North Korea to the sea.

The “Challenge” is not between individuals or teams, but about teamwork. The “Challenging” teamwork that’s required to ensure that each member of your team will succeed while enduring the hardships and harsh environment of a winter along the Ozark Trail.

This first event will be the barometer for the events to follow for the Missouri Korean War Veterans Memorial Association. Follow-on events will be the entire 78 miles of the withdrawal conducted by the 1st Marine Division and X Corps forces from the Chosin Reservoir in December 1950.

Flag Day

On June 14, 1777, the Continental Congress approved the design of a national flag.

Since 1916, when President Woodrow Wilson issued a presidential proclamation establishing a national Flag Day on June 14, Americans have commemorated the adoption of the Stars and Stripes in many ways–displaying the flag in the front of their homes, parades, and other patriotic observances.

Flag Day June 14th, 2024

Honor Veterans at the Kansas City Korean War Memorial special ceremonies at 10 a.m. on Flag Day, June 14 at Washington Square Park. Witness the proper retirement of a flag, escorted to a cauldron of fire by veterans reflecting on how they left area high schools before graduating, enlisted and found themselves aboard heavy cruisers headed for the Korean Peninsula, or fighting yard by yard at places called Chosin Reservoir and the Punchbowl. Featured Speaker Lt. Col. Wayne Wallingford, USAF, Ret., who flew B-52s over Hanoi in 1972, recalls what it is meant to serve under our flag.

Donate to Commission a Unique Sculpture

Help commission a unique sculpture to complete the Missouri Korean War Veterans Memorial in Kansas City. A bronze sculpture, designed by well-known artist John Lajba, will be 134% life size and mounted on a granite base. It depicts two Korean refugees and an American serviceman who helped preserve South Korea to grow into a fierce democracy and economic juggernaut in Asia today.

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Mailing Address

Missouri Korean War Veterans Memorial
P.O. Box 481691
Kansas City, Missouri 64148

Memorial Location

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